Friday, 7 September 2012

A big welcome to James

We are delighted that we have two new members of academic staff joining the teaching team.

Welcome James

James trained in Metal casting in Cheltenham and then studied in Bristol and a apprenticeship under metal fabricator Bob Hall ...

This week he drove into work in the most extraordinary car so I decided to take a photo for the blog ...

The car is mainly a 1930 Ford Model A , James bought the body from Northern California it arrived full of termites and with a arrow head embedded in the bottom of the door .. They'll be a story there !! He modified it so it could be raced at Bonniville Salt Flats Race track in Utar for landspeed even though we are not close to Utar and it's more used to a leisurely drive around Herefordshire !

James made the all the seats and dash board himself - panel beating 16 gauge aluminium and installed a 6 litre Chevrolet V8 1962 full race engine which he has chosen to leave exposed !!! And boy does it make some noise !!

A big welcome James we are looking forward to working with you....

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